Horror Books

Book Review: The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde

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The Picture of Dorian Gray

Dorian Gray, influenced by a hedonistic worldview, wishes his portrait would age instead of him which leads him into a life of indulgence and crime, ultimately ending in his self-destruction.

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Published: June 20, 1890

Table of Contents

This is my review of The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde, a horror book full of beauty, horror, and moral decay. Through his encounters with the artist Basil Hallward and the hedonistic Lord Henry Wotton, a handsome guy Dorian embarks on a journey of self-discovery that leads him to a dark and twisted path. This review will explore the major themes, characters, and literary devices Wilde uses to craft a true masterpiece of the horror genre.

The Initial Transformation of The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde

In the opening scenes of The Picture of Dorian Gray, we meet Dorian, an innocent young man whose beauty captivates the artist Basil Hallward. While Basil paints his portrait, Dorian falls under the spell of Lord Henry, who advocates a life of hedonism and superficiality. Captivated by Lord Henry’s worldview, Dorian makes a wish that his portrait would age instead of him.

The Descent into Debauchery in The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde

Dorian’s initial transformation becomes evident when he cruelly rejects Sibyl Vane, an actress he once adored, after a poor performance. This rejection leads to Sibyl’s tragic suicide, marking the beginning of Dorian’s moral decline. Over the next eighteen years, influenced by a poisonous French novel, Dorian indulges in every vice, his youthful appearance unchanged while his portrait becomes increasingly grotesque.

The Consequences of Sin in The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde

The horror intensifies when Basil confronts Dorian about the rumors of his debauchery. In a fit of rage, Dorian reveals the hideous portrait to Basil and murders him. Dorian’s descent into darkness continues as he blackmails his friend Alan Campbell into disposing of Basil’s body, which ultimately drives Alan to suicide.

The Final Reckoning of The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde

As the years pass, Dorian’s guilt and fear of retribution grow. James Vane, Sibyl’s vengeful brother, stalks Dorian but is accidentally killed. In a desperate attempt to redeem himself, Dorian tries to live righteously but realizes his motives are still selfish. The climax of the novel arrives when Dorian, in a rage, stabs the portrait, leading to his own death. His servants discover his withered, decrepit body, while the portrait returns to its original beauty.

Themes in The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde

The Superficiality of Beauty

One of the central themes in The Picture of Dorian Gray is the superficiality of beauty. Dorian’s downfall serves as a cautionary tale about society’s obsession with youth and appearance. Wilde critiques this obsession by showing how Dorian’s fixation on his looks leads to his moral corruption and eventual destruction.

The Duality of Human Nature

Wilde masterfully explores the duality of human nature through Dorian and his portrait. While Dorian’s outward appearance remains pristine, the portrait reflects his inner corruption and depravity. This duality highlights the conflict between appearance and reality, a theme that resonates throughout the novel.

Influence and Corruption

Lord Henry’s influence on Dorian is a key factor in his transformation. Wilde uses Lord Henry’s character to illustrate how external influences can shape one’s morality and actions. Dorian’s journey into darkness is fueled by Lord Henry’s hedonistic philosophy, showcasing the dangers of such ideologies.

Characters of The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde

Dorian Gray

Dorian’s character arc is a fascinating study of transformation and downfall. Initially an innocent youth, Dorian becomes a morally bankrupt man, corrupted by vanity and desire. His tragic journey makes him one of literature’s most memorable characters.

Lord Henry Wotton

Lord Henry is the philosophical catalyst for Dorian’s transformation. His provocative ideas about life and beauty seduce Dorian into a hedonistic lifestyle. Lord Henry embodies the seductive danger of hedonism, and his influence on Dorian is profound and destructive.

Basil Hallward

Basil serves as the moral conscience of the story. His admiration for Dorian’s beauty is pure and artistic, contrasting sharply with Lord Henry’s corrupting influence. Basil’s tragic fate underscores the novel’s moral undertones and highlights the consequences of Dorian’s actions.

Literary Devices of The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde


The portrait is a central symbol in The Picture of Dorian Gray, representing Dorian’s true self. As Dorian’s sins accumulate, the portrait becomes increasingly grotesque, serving as a visual representation of his inner corruption.


Wilde employs irony throughout the novel, particularly in Dorian’s fate. The very wish that grants him eternal youth ultimately leads to his demise, a powerful critique of superficial values.


Wilde skillfully uses foreshadowing to build suspense and hint at the tragic outcomes of Dorian’s actions. James Vane’s ominous presence and the subtle changes in the portrait are just a few examples of this literary device at work.


The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde is a timeless horror book that delves into the dark facets of human nature, the superficiality of beauty, and the consequences of unbridled hedonism. Wilde’s rich symbolism, complex characters, and moral dilemmas create a captivating and thought-provoking narrative.

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